Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I'm not always good at listening. 

I'm good at knowing what I want.  I'm good at figuring out ways to explain it.  I'm good at moving forward with what I think is best.

But listening sometimes takes a back seat -- yet it's one of the most important things I can do.

When I hear negative words - words that scream, "This is stupid. I hate this. Why are you torturing me?" it's easy to react.  It's easy to fuel the fire, to belittle, to shift into outrage.  As a human, it's a natural reaction to say, "Hey, you NEED this, so just do it."

However, if you listen instead of react, you can be surprised at what is really being said.  "I don't know how to do this.  I'm afraid of feeling stupid.  I need you to show me that it's going to be okay."

That creates a vastly different scene.  It causes a different outcome.  It has the potential to change a future.

It's not always easy.  In a society bent on doing more, being more, the quiet whisper of true words often is trampled.  It is so easy to get caught up in it all.  To worry, to rage, to do, to be, to rush, etc.

Therefore I need time to stop myself - to get centered with my relationship with God - to put things on an even keel again.  To listen.

Because even though I try and figure things out for myself, what I can achieve alone is, well, nothing.  It's material - temporary - fleeting.  What I can achieve through God is so much more than I can ever imagine. 

I don't pretend to understand why things happen.  Horrible things do happen - to good people even.  Instead I need to focus on listening to His will and reaching out with the skills that He has loaned me.  I have to drag through the horrible with a focus on Him.

I will tell you this, it's always easier when it's with a listening ear.  When I'm focused on what He needs me to hear, life is happier.  It makes more sense.  Even in the middle of the horrible, He gives me hope.

Of course I need to go through this process a few million times.  I'm pretty slow.

So tomorrow I challenge myself to listen more - to hear the true words being said.  I challenge myself to listen more -- to focus on others instead of myself.  I challenge myself to listen to Him.


  1. Amy, so many of your thoughts resonated with me but these stand out: "Even in the middle of the horrible, He gives me hope." I have been in the middle of horrible many times and each time through the darkness, the Lord's light enters and eventually quiets my exploding heart. Yes, we need to LISTEN.

  2. Amy, I can relate to this post, especially to these words, "I need to go through this process a few million times. I'm pretty slow." Me too!! I, too, am challenging myself to LISTEN more and to really hear what's being said, and what's not being said. Thanks for your perspective!

  3. I liked the same line Michelle did: "I need to go through this process a few million times. I'm pretty slow." Ha - yes, me too!! I got chills here: "However, if you listen instead of react, you can be surprised at what is really being said. "I don't know how to do this. I'm afraid of feeling stupid. I need you to show me that it's going to be okay.'" This is so important to remember. I've read that anger comes from fear, so that helps me when a parent or student lashes out. I know that they're really expressing fear, and that requires such a different reaction. Thank you for reminding us about that. It's not easy to remember! Thanks for your insightful post!

  4. I can think of a moment just today where I reacted instead of listened. Your post sure put things back into perspective.

  5. " I challenge myself to listen to Him." I think this will be part of my OLW (discover) this year. Discovering the voice of God in a new way!
