Thursday, July 17, 2014

Beauty, it's deeper than you think

One of the things I like most about blogging is a chance to reflect on different aspects of my life.  It's from that reflection that I see evidence of growth, change, and hopefully finding a  clearer view of my purpose in life.

A purpose that I cannot take credit for because it was a gift from God.  Hopefully I'm using it to please Him.

I join several bloggers in a spiritual Thursday blog challenge -- a challenge from Holly Mueller.  This week she asks us to define beauty, and how can we use beauty to glorify God? 

Here is her response:

Of course I wouldn't have known about the challenge but through the writings of Greg Armamentos.  His unique viewpoints always gives me a different lens to contemplate and consider.  Thank you, Greg:

So how do I define beauty? 

I know what commercials say -- skinnier, smarter, more expensive, perfection.  These are all concepts that apply to the humanness in our hearts.  They are materialistic nuggets that dig deep into the soul designed to make us question, "Am I enough?"  Inevitably the answer is always no.  There will always be someone with something you do not have. 

Or at least you will perceive that is the truth.

The good news is that it's not.

The very act of being human makes us imperfect.  Though the devil does delight in hearing us question ourselves.  Sometimes he turns up the volume quite loud so that the sound of doubt lingers in our heads.  Evil little bugger.

See, the truth is that by nature we are all beautiful. We are enough.  In a snowstorm, a flake may resemble those falling around it, but each one has a unique path, a unique perspective, a unique impact on the world.  Depending on the conditions, they may consist of ice pelting relentlessly, or lazy enjoying a descent worthy of stage -- but they are all unique and wondrously made.  Every single one has an exclusive beauty.  Every flake leaves an impact on the world.

If God cares enough about snowflakes . . . imagine how He feels about us.

He loves us.  Humbling, isn't it?

True beauty is when you let God's love shine through you.  Listen to Him.  Take the gifts He has bestowed upon you - your distinctive perspective that no one else has - and use them to delight God.  I have a saying on my refrigerator, "What I am is God's gift to me, what I become is my gift to Him."  In my mind, these gifts define beauty. 

I'm not saying that I never succumb to the human voice of doubt.  I do.

But I'm happiest when I focus instead on Him.  It opens my eyes in ways I never expected.  It fills my heart in ways that material good could never fill.  It soothes my soul.  It gives me such a rich life indeed. 

Beauty can be found in many places - a tiny flower, a child's eye, a powerful storm, love, sunlight filtering through the leaves, October skies, an ocean, a puddle.

Take time to look at these gifts.  Try on a new perspective.  Turn down the volume of humanity.  Listen.  Love.

It makes life exceptional.


  1. "What I am is God's gift to me, what I become is my gift to Him."

  2. "Turn down the volume of humanity. Listen. Love." What important words! This is a wonderful post, Amy; would you consider linking up on my Spiritual Journey post at the bottom? I'd love for you to participate each week! I'll be returning the first week of August, so the next couple Thursdays I won't be writing a blog post, but feel free to still write about your spiritual journey. I'm learning so much from all of you!

    1. Amy - it turns out I was able to post a Spiritual Journey Thursday today before leaving. Stop by! :-) I don't have your Twitter handle - are you on Twitter?

    2. Oops - yes I do have your Twitter handle. ;-) Just tagged you!

  3. Good reminder as I struggle with these concepts at times. We are enough! I enjoyed your description of the snowflakes & how that relates to our beauty & impact.

  4. These are such important words! The truth is that by nature we are all beautiful. We are enough. Thanks so much!!

  5. For several years, I worried about being thin enough (size 2 vs. size 4 vs. size 6 and back again--such problems, right?) and beautiful enough (sooo much money spent on anti-aging creams and beauty products). With time and some help, I was able to see that such obsession was not self-love, but a form of self-hatred...of believing that I was not enough as I was. I kept trying to make myself into what I thought would be a more beautiful person, and I was doing it for...whom? Such confusion.

    Becoming free of that obsession was life-changing, and especially important for me as the mother of two girls. Thank you for this post and this perspective, especially for the reminder to look outside ourselves at the beauty of the world around us.

  6. Well said. You are enough, given in grace and beauty. Thanks for sharing.
