Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Communion #spiritualjourney

Thank you Holly (@muellerholly) for a thought-provoking topic.  I look forward to multiple perspectives every week as we walk together.

"Communion is a symbol."

We started our church service this week with these wise words.  Communion is a symbol of God's ultimate gift to us.  The gift of a re-do, reset, wiped clean scorecard.  I know I need it.  I don't deserve it, but I need it.

Isn't that what grace is?  Extending forgiveness when it's not deserved?  Forgiveness for the sins I know about, and forgiveness for the sins I'm unaware of.  Accepting that my human body will never be enough by itself, yet with God it is perfection.

Honestly it's one of my favorite time of the week.  I don't often complete it without a tear trembling, throat choking, humble acceptance of what is being offered.  It is a moment I need - a reminder of what God was willing to do for me. 

It just puts things in perspective. 

It resets my focus - what is important? pressing? overwhelming?  It resets my attitude - choosing love and forgiveness.  It resets my destination - for what he wants for me is so much better than I could ever imagine. 

Sometimes I wonder at my inability to keep a focus on what God wants instead of my own needs.  Like a child, I forget His perfect plan and allow myself to become mired in earthly concerns.  Therefore I'm grateful for this weekly reminder.  I'm grateful for the constant conversation. 

When it's dark - he is with me.  He reminds me of this weekly.  He brings the light to my heart.  As a human, I don't think I'm supposed to understand the dark.  He calls me to the light -- his love. 

A perfect love.

So I need that weekly wash, a gentle nudge, a reminder of Him. 


  1. You've captured the beauty of Communion so well! A do-over, a washing, a reminder. I'm going to think about this post when I take Communion again!

  2. It is my favorite part of the week - a chance to refocus on my relationship with Him. :) Thank you again for your encouragement every week.
